In our mission to develop students holistically, the community element is key for students to become socially responsible citizens. At SIS, we believe that community outreach is of paramount importance as it creates the opportunity for students to positively engage with communities across all levels of society.
Community involvement is embedded into the curriculum. For students in IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP), Diploma Programme (IBDP) and Career-related Programme (IBCP), community involvement is a mandatory requirement for the IBMYP Service as Action, IBDP Creative, Activity, Service (CAS) programme, and IBCP Service Learning respectively.
SIS students always go beyond academic requirements. They complete hundreds of community hours and impact the community beyond SIS in impactful ways. They come together to lead, support, and guide one another to find ways to positively improve society at large while honing in on desirable skills such as leadership, communication skills, dependability, decision-making, and more!
Here are some ways SIS students contribute to the community

Rise Against Hunger

Charity Club's Colour Run