SIS teachers are empowered and well-resourced professionals. They are highly regarded as they have the heavy responsibilities of educating, imparting knowledge, nurturing and developing students to maximise their potential and achieve success in the future. 

Most SIS teachers are expatriates, mainly from Canada but also from different parts of the world. As an IB World School, SIS is committed to building an international and culturally diverse team of teachers for students to develop international-mindedness and global awareness.

Click here to see our Teachers & Administrators

Our Promise

In SIS, lesson planning, assessments, and evaluations are conducted using pedagogical approaches and practices consistent with Canadian and IB education. SIS Teachers work with students according to their strengths, interests, motivation, and ambitions to prepare them for jobs that do not exist today.

With these demanding requirements and great responsibilities that rest on their shoulders, SIS ensures that our qualified and experienced teachers receive continuous professional development. To maintain their standards of excellence, teachers actively pursue and undergo training, certifications, license renewals, workshops, courses, and more.

From the Teachers' Desks

Get to know some of our teachers better from our interviews with them! 

Marie-Josée Talbot-Provost & Martin Pagé

Marie-Josée Talbot-Provost & Martin Pagé

My husband and I were backpacking in South-East Asia a few years ago and fell in love with this part of the world.  We always wanted to work abroad.  So, when the opportunity arose in 2011 and we got an offer here in Malaysia, we couldn’t resist.  At that time we didn’t know a lot about this country besides its location, nonetheless, we accepted the job and so far, we have been very happy with that decision.

Read the full interview here

Michael Owen

Michael Owen

I feel the most memorable teaching moment would be the opportunity to teach Business Technology. This course has been in my teaching portfolio for nearly 10 years and due to the technology aspect of the course, it continues to grow and develop. Each semester there are new opportunities and challenges to incorporate the latest business technology developments into the teaching and learning in the classroom. 

The students are what makes my job the most enjoyable. Sunway International School students make up a wonderful community of polite and respectful young people who have a wide collection of interests and abilities. I am always pleasantly surprised by what talents and interests they bring to the classroom and their experiences enrich the classes and build our communities.

In my present context, I am inspired by the opportunity to work with a variety of school leaders within SIS and the rest of Sunway Education Group. There is a richness of professional knowledge and ability that I could not find in any other school. These leaders continue to push me to be the best teacher and school leader. 

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Nicholas Vidotto

Nicholas Vidotto

Teaching at SIS allows me to deliver the Ontario curriculum, which I am qualified to teach, in an enriching and supportive environment. The students, parents, and staff at SIS make teaching and living on the other side of the planet feel like a second home. I appreciate how receptive SIS has been in allowing me to take on new initiatives at the school.

An example of this was when I started the Middle School Intramural Sports League or whenever I try out new events as the supervisor for the Middle School Student Council. Being able to try new things, take risks, and collaborate with like-minded individuals has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. 

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