SIS takes students on a learning journey that is beyond the classroom. Opportunities to gain knowledge, pick up new skills and discover students' potential are beyond schooling hours and can take place within and out of school. Here are some ways SIS students learn beyond the classroom.
As a school, SIS highlights a different virtue every month as part of SIS's endeavour to equip students with global competencies. These virtues allow the school to maximise students' potential while serving as a reminder to the rest of the SIS Community.

- February - Loyalty
- March - Humanity
- April - Thankfulness
- May - Unity
- June - Tolerance
- August - Humility
- September - Honesty
- October - Perseverance
- November - Courage
- December - Excellence
When in school, students have the opportunity to explore learning outdoors wherever relevant. Out-of-class activities, field trips, and camps bring students out into the world and into new invigorating environments to teach them about local history, nature and contemporary culture.
Middle School students go on excursions that are closer such as:

At High School and IB Diploma Programme levels, students venture further with trips to local and international destinations.

The SIS Science Fair is one way the school fosters a spirit of scientific inquiry among students. Students develop their skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education while simultaneously building up their confidence and communication skills.
Visit Our Last Middle School Science Fair
Our experienced librarians do so much more than just take care of the SIS Library. They organise weekly sessions with students to sharpen their research skills, guide them on the best ways to obtain resources required for their projects, and support students in their academic endeavours.
For more information on the resources available at the SIS Library, check out this page SIS Library