Grades 9 to 11
SIS’s High School Programme runs on a semester system. It focuses on developing students’ knowledge and skills through project-based learning, assignments, field trips, independent research, and group work. 70% of students' final grades are determined through work completed throughout the semester, and the remaining 30% is derived from final evaluation. The mix of coursework and final exams enables students to appreciate the importance of being consistent in their studies, develop time management skills to stay abreast with assignments and complete academic credits whilst fulfilling community service requirements to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
SIS offers a wide range of high school subjects that are delivered according to Ontario curriculum expectations. A high school curriculum that is highly regarded internationally, it focuses on developing students to become self-directed learners who think critically and creatively. Students also become well-rounded and globally aware individuals through participation in a wide range of activities that include the arts, athletics, international and local field trips, community service, academic-based clubs, and student interest groups. SIS’s Student Council and Model United Nations (MUN) offer students ample opportunities to develop leadership along with advocacy and agency in local and global issues.

Message by High School Coordinator & Facilitator
Welcome to the Sunway International School (SIS) High School programme.
Sunway International School offers its students a wonderfully unique atmosphere, in which both staff and students feel safe, and are encouraged to continuously develop their skill sets, take on new challenges, express their individuality and grow as lifelong learners.
It is a privilege to lead such a dedicated, professional group of teachers who are highly educated and passionate about their subject areas. The staff at SIS understand that every student is unique and learns in their own way. As a result, SIS works with surrounding communities, as well as local and global colleges and universities to better help students focus on their interests and to support their learning. Our teachers work hard to meet the needs of every student and to focus on individual interests and strengths to engage them in their learning and prepare them for continuing education after graduation.
At SIS, we offer a broad range of subject areas taught based on the Ontario Curriculum guidelines. This curriculum is highly regarded on a global scale and focuses on students becoming self-directed learners who think critically and creatively. The Ontario Curriculum, coupled with the extensive variety of extracurricular activities offered at SIS, allow students ample opportunity to be active members of their school community. Students are encouraged to be well-rounded, global citizens, through participation in activities inclusive of the arts, athletics, international and local field trips, community service and academic-based clubs and teams.
I am delighted to be part of the SIS family as Secondary Coordinator and look forward to meeting all of you in the near future. I have 34 years experience as an educator and have been working in international schools for the past 17 years. I am excited to help the Ontario programme grow in our school. The programme really caters for all children's needs and abilities.
Isabelle Cottenden
High School Coordinator
I have had the pleasure of working at SIS since 2011 and during this time, I have been able to watch several students grow, develop their sense of self, transition into post-secondary education programmes, and have successful occupations around the world. As a member of this school community, I have also had the pleasure of being a part of a very involved staff with a passion for leading a balanced lifestyle. As such, I myself participate in the Yoga, People to People International, Café Français, Trekking, and Fitness & Running clubs. Doing so has allowed me the opportunity to build relationships with the student body and provide opportunities for students to gain experiences and build lasting memories beyond the walls of the classroom. It is this sense of school pride and community that sets SIS apart from the rest.
Please take the time to browse our website and contact the school with any questions that you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to SIS.
Marie-Josée Talbot-Provost
High School Facilitator

School Hours
Grades 9, 10 and 11
Mon to Thurs: 8:00 am to 3:20 pm
Fri: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Extra-Curricular Activities
Mon to Thurs: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Fri: After 12 pm