The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) emphasizes intellectual rigour and holistic development. It encourages students aged 11 to 16 to make practical connections between their studies and the real world, preparing them for success in further study and in life. The IBMYP aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning.
In IBMYP, students are assessed entirely by the coursework undertaken throughout the semester. Assessment outcomes provide teachers with information on where students are in terms of achieving curriculum expectations and allow teachers to guide students with alternative learning strategies towards achieving their learning objectives.

Welcome Message By IBMYP Coordinator
Welcome to Sunway International School (SIS) Iskandar Puteri campus Middle Years Programme.
Here at SIS Iskandar Puteri, we understand that students in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) are at a crucial time in their development towards becoming young adults. As such, our programme seeks to support our students with personal and intellectual development that allows them to acquire knowledge, personal qualities, and skills which will support them on their journey to becoming internationally-minded global citizens.
Currently, students in grades 6 to 10 are studying within the IBMYP framework using the Ontario curriculum as the base content for study. The IBMYP is aligned with the Ontario course requirements, most predominantly in grades 6 to 8, while grades 9 and 10 bridge the Ontario content into the IBDP requirements. Students at SIS Iskandar Puteri are given the opportunity to explore 8 academic areas; Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Mathematics, Science, Individuals and Societies, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design. IB places a strong emphasis on multi-lingual learning and to this end, SIS Iskandar Puteri offers students the opportunity to take English, Malay, and Mandarin at the Language and Literature level and/or Language Acquisition level. Underpinning all of these subject areas are the IB Learner Profiles, Approaches to Learning, Global Context, Key Concepts, Personal Project, and Service as Action. These components enhance the development of our students’ knowledge, skills, and habits, and along with an emphasis on an inquiry-based, student-centred model, students are provided an inclusive and challenging environment to safely explore content and concepts within relevant situations.
In support of our students’ development, SIS Iskandar Puteri also advocates assessment as a continuous form of feedback that is both formative and summative in nature. Students experience a wide range of assessments from conversations with teachers and/or with peers, anecdotal notes, self-reflection, to the creating of various products. Formative assessment is integrated within the classroom and is a daily part of lessons. A summative assessment usually occurs at the end of each unit and provides students with an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and understanding of their learning. With an emphasis on formative assessment, students are supported in developing their understanding of not only what to learn, but also, how to learn.
Along with the various aspects of the IBMYP we also strive to develop within our students shared values of community, integrity, respect, and responsibility. By focusing on character development, intercultural understanding, personal, community and global responsibilities, and service-learning, our students are well on their way to becoming internationally-minded global citizens.
Driving the student learning and development are the teachers and support staff here at SIS Iskandar Puteri. Our teachers strive to develop an engaging and inclusive programme that is designed around the individual needs of each student, and as such, allows our students to explore new possibilities and interests for themselves and their learning. Our teachers look to challenge our students to push themselves to reach their full potential and encourage students every step of the way.
SIS Iskandar Puteri has established itself as a dynamic and engaging school that offers all of our students a personally challenging curriculum that goes beyond content to engage the whole learner in every aspect of personal, social, and intellectual development. As the IBMYP Coordinator, I look forward to welcoming all of our students, both new and returning, to a year of challenges, personal growth, and great discoveries.
Warm regards,
Ebony Smith
IBMYP Coordinator

School Hours
Mon to Thurs: 8:00 am to 3:15 pm
Fri: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Extra-Curricular Activities
Mon to Thurs: 3:20 pm to 4:20 pm