Grades 6 to 8
SIS’s student-centric Middle School Programme offers a careful balance of academic rigour with creative interest, along with a strong emphasis on literacy, numeracy, and learning skills to ensure a smooth transition from primary to high school.
Based on Canada’s Ontario curriculum, students are assessed entirely by the coursework undertaken throughout the semester. Assessment outcomes provide teachers with information on where students are in terms of achieving curriculum expectations and allow teachers to guide students with alternative learning strategies towards achieving their learning objectives.
Unique to the Ontario curriculum is teachers’ use of observations, conversations, and products to evaluate students’ learning. Teachers provide continuous feedback to students and guide them in the direction they need to go.

Message By Middle School Facilitator
Welcome to the Sunway International Schools (SIS), Sunway Middle School Program, which incorporates the Canadian Ontario Curriculum into classes ranging from Grades 6 through 8. Academic progress is not the only priority in Middle School. SIS emphasises holistic development and provides a wide range of co-curricular programmes that focus on students’ academic and personal interests including debate, sports, poetry, and music, to name a few. The Middle School Student Council that is separate from the High School Student Council offers more personal and leadership development opportunities to students in grades 6 to 8.
Our Middle School features experienced education leaders, whose goal is to develop not only students who are fundamentally sound when it comes to academics, but also into developing students who are well rounded outside of the classroom as well. In order to do so, our curriculum focuses not only on academics, but also incorporates 6 Learning Skills (Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Initiative, Collaboration and Self-Regulation), all of which help to guide our students to success and help them to be leaders both inside and outside of the classroom.
As the Middle School Facilitator, I love coming to work each and everyday, and getting to see the passion and enthusiasm that our Middle School Team brings to their classrooms and to our Middle School community! We look forward to getting the chance to work with you as part of our Sunway Community, and to help our students to grow as individuals and to become the types of people whose goal is not only to improve their own lives, but also to make a difference in our communities outside of school and to all those around them.
Justin Coakley
Middle School Facilitator

School Hours
Grades 6, 7 and 8
Mon to Thurs: 8:00 am to 3:20 pm
Fri: 8:00am to 12:00 pm

Extra-Curricular Activities
Mon to Thurs: 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm
Fri: After 12 pm