The staff and teachers at SIS are committed to its students’ welfare and give their best in serving their needs. We are privileged to have a diverse multi-ethnic pool of qualified and experienced staff who contribute their talent and expertise in the running of the School, whether administration, academic or governance.

School Leadership Team

George McEvan

Mr. George McEwan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology from the University of Guelph and a Bachelor of Education degree from The University of Western Ontario. Mr. McEwan’s teaching career spanned 17 years in Ontario, Canada, and included teaching Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science.

His administrative background includes 3 years as vice-principal and 10 years as a principal in four different secondary schools. Mr. McEwan’s primary responsibilities are oversight of academic priorities and initiatives, management of all staff, overall student welfare, and ensuring compliance of Malaysian and Ontario Ministry of Education policies. Currently, Mr. McEwan is also the Director of the Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP) at Sunway College KL